
I have learned two essential parts of this course. One is the data processing methods, and the other is data visualization. The data processing focus on biomedical image and EEG analysis. Although it is not very in-depth, it gives me good inspiration. As for data visualization, I learned to use Matplotlib, Seaborn and bokeh to represent data

In this portfolio, I try to integrate the work from assignments, projects and demos. However, since many things can’t be done by myself, I will refer to background knowledge or team members’ code to make sure that I can show my work. I want to express my gratitude here. I have added comments if these codes (words) were not my work.

I hope this portfolio can well reflect my passion for this course.

I will continue to update this website as a personal blog to share knowledge and ideas.

What I am doing Now

  1. Using PsychoPy to Develop New Psychological Experimental Projects:

  2. Learning more knowledge about data visualization

    • Introduction to Data Visualization in Python (Data Camp) [x]

    • Biomedical Image Analysis in Python (Data Camp) [x]

    • Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh (Data Camp) [x]

Update 12/18/2020

About Me

An undergraduate student is also an enthusiastic website developer. Like to share knowledge and cooking.

Personal Home Page
